It’s not about words on the page

You want words that inspire action

So you get results like…

  • Email open rates over 70% for a new ecommerce brand
  • A cold email campaign with a 43% response rate, (and so much new business, the client had to hire someone new to deal with the extra enquiries)

  • A 50% increase in nurture sequence conversions
  • Sold out workshops and conferences
  • A 6x increase in website traffic

  • Beating previous outreach emails across every metric, month after month

A few project samples…

Don’t see what you need here? I can’t always share my best work online.

Shoot me a message and I’ll see if I have what you’d like to see.

Email nurture sequence for career

coaching SaaS brand, Stay Nimble


The problem: They’d experimented with a few different ways to get new sign ups to engage and stay with the platform. But their previous emails didn’t build the trust their prospects needed. 

What I did: Audited their emails and created a new nurture funnel that led to a 50% increase in conversions.

Website copy, cold outreach emails and a sales

presentation, for Secure Parking and Storage

The problem: This brand had a great offer, but needed a way to get that out to more clients in their niche audience. They also had two websites aimed at different client groups, which needed work to be targeted at the right people. 

What I did: Interviewed key clients to find out what their experience of the brand was. Then used that to create compelling new website copy. And a a cold outreach funnel that got a 43% response rate and led to a huge increase in sales.

Website copy, product pages and emails for Zen

Organic Formula

The problem: This new ecommerce brand needed a complete copy startup. They sell organic baby formula, so the tone was all important, with empathy and reassurance at the heart of the brand.

What I did: Created new website copy, product pages, and email copy for both regular flows and campaigns. In 12 months, we’ve had multiple successful campaigns, new product launches and significant growth. Email open rates regularly exceed 70%.

Event copy, including website and

email copy, for The Brighton


The problem: This unusual business conference needed complete event copy that would sell out its places. Its audience was mainly founders and freelancers looking for something fun, friendly and inspiring.

What I did: Created copy for the event website and all launch materials, including emails and social media. The event was quickly sold out.

Want copy that gets results for your business, too?